My brother is home! Well, not for long; he has to go back on November 27th because they only give them around 20 days for break before they have to go back until their stay there is done. He got home on November 8th, and his wife and child were there waiting for him. His child-to-come is due on November 14th. During his stay here he is going to see all the family members (which is more than I care to count), eat at all of his favorite places, celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas, and spend as much time as he can with his children.
He has been in the army for around two years, and he is ranked as a Specialist. What does a Specialist do? Actually it depends on their classification. Right now he is a PAC Specialist. He makes sure everyone's paperwork is right, they fly where and when they're supposed to, they go to school, and things like that. He also is a mission tracker. When someone in his troop goes outside the boundaries or the safe area and he has to make sure that they go where they need to go for there mission.
But let's stop talking about the army for a second. My brothers name is Bryan James Shadley, but we call him B.J. because my dad's name is Brian also. He is 24 years old. He has been staying in Germany for a year or so now because he needed to get to the next step in training for the Army after boot camp. I hope that no one else know what it feels like to have your parents or other family members gone to Iraq, because it hurts really bad. Wondering if there OK, what there doing, how there doing, it just kills your heart.
Before Sunday, Nov. 9, I hadn't talked to my brother in I don't how long. Most of the time they don't have Internet, or phones, or anything. Can you imagine how hard that would be to be out in the desert? The way the heat gets in the day would be unbearable in a t-shirt and shorts, but they have to wear their uniforms all day, and sometimes body armor. Now I have to say, it gets cold in the winter and at night, but it gets into the 100's when we're only in the 60's most of the time.
Another happy thing that can come from Iraq is presents. My brother got me a scarf (shown in picture). Other things that come from Iraq are pottery, wood work, cloth, jewlery and other things you can think of.
Of course, the best thing to come from Iraq is my my brother, home at last, safe and sound.
Reporter: Erin S.
Photographer: Erin S.Editor: Jessica C. Laura A.
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