The Builders' Club will soon be holding a Valentines dance! There will be lots of decorations and anyone, 6-8th grade, can get in for a fee. You can buy refreshments like Valentine inspired treats, boxes of candy, and mints. The dance will be held on Friday, February 13th from 7-9:30 PM. The will be Dance Dance Revolution, Rock Band, basketball, pictures, a ticket raffle, and of course, dancing!
The Builders' Club will also be holding Crush sales. You can buy Valentine heart suckers for 50 cents, Airheads for 25 cents, and Pixi Stix for 25 cents. You can buy things for yourself, your friends, or your crush! This can be anonymous if you'd like. Sales start January 28th and end February 6th. You can buy them during lunch.
Reporter: Carley L.Photographer: Carley L.
Editors: Renee A. Jessica C.