AR time is here, so make your brain smarter by reading. AR points are due soon for most students, so put down the video game and pick up a book. And no, books on tape don't count for people in middle school, maybe for your sister who is three years old, but not for us. Reading is good for your brain and your soul. Get into a good book and you won't want it put in down. Imagine yourself in the book. Be the characters and be in the book. You will want to spend every second reading!
What is AR? AR stands for Accelerated Reader. AR is a program in which you read a book and take a test on it.
Your teacher will most likely give you an AR range and a goal for a certain number of points. The range means that you can read books that fall within that level. For example, if your reading range is 4.7 - 6.8, this tells you the "readability" level you should choose if you want a book that's not too hard and not too easy. On almost every book in the school, there will be a sticker with the reading level like 5.9 and how many points that book is worth. Every time you pass an AR test on a book you get points for it. You keep taking tests until you get enough points that your teacher says you have made it to your AR goal for that marking period.
So pick out a good book and READ, READ, READ!!
Reporter: Kelsey B.
Photographer: Kelsey B.
Editor: Renee A.
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