Monday, March 23, 2009

Getting Brighter with the "Spark" of Knowledge

When we grow up we learn that electricity is "shocking" in the form of static in the carpet. We learn that it can kill you when unleashed in its more powerful forms, such as lightning. We have now learned that, when it is harnessed in the form of a circuit board, it can spark knowledge of facts that might otherwise be boring. This happened when we made circuit boards for Mrs. Kirsch's class.

First, we had to come up with ten questions about a
chapter with the correct answers. On a cardboard, we created a table with the questions on the left and the answers, in a the scrambled order, in the the right column. We punched hole by the the numbers for the questions and answers. Then we flipped the board over. We took aluminum foil and masking tape to match the questions and answers, creating part of a circuit with foil as the conductor of electricity.

Now the next step was putting together the power and light source. We used wire and a 9-volt battery and made our wire harnesses. Then we attached the wire to a small light. The battery and bulb assembly was then attached to the top of the cardboard with a length of wire hanging from each end. To test our knowledge
e and the circuit, we would touch one end of the wire to the foil in the hole by the question. When we match the question to the correct answer, the light would light up. If we match the question with an incorrect answer, it would not light up. As we tried the circuit boards of our classmates, it was a great way to test our circuits and our knowledge.

Reporter: Elissa K.
Photographer: Elissa K.
Editor: Mrs. M.

Riding is the Best!!

Everyone thinks that galloping across a big field is the best part of being with a horse. There is much more to horse ownership, and after a while, these things can be just as important, maybe even better in some ways. These are the many ways a person cares for their horse, including brushing and feeding. Of course, a good ride is important to the care of your horse.

Brushing is an important part of horse care. It is the time when you groom your horse, but you also talk softly and develop a close relationship. You must brush your horse with a soft brush and a hard brush. A comb is used for its tail and mane. This keeps their appearance beautiful and their coat free from burrs and debris.

When you are ready to ride, you have to get its saddle and blanket. Then you have to put the blanket right on the withers. Then if you have a western saddle you tighten the girth strap than you strap it on to the hook and you have to make sure that the saddle is tight enough so you can get on.

After the horse is saddled, you will want to get on to ride. Your horse needs to get out regularly, and it is fun. First you must put on your helmet, to be safe. Then, if it helps, you can get a stool then you put it next to the horse's side. You step right on the top of the stool and then you put your right foot in the stirrup. Then you push of with the other leg and you swing the leg over the saddle and you put the other foot in that other stirrup.

When you ride it is important to sit properly, so that the ride will be better for both you and the horse. You should keep your back straight at all times and your shoulders lined up with your back. To start the ride, you tell the horse to walk and all you do is tap it on its side and squeeze your legs to the saddle and you are off walking your horse. If you want it to trot, all you have to do is tell is to trot and kick it a little harder. If your horse is well-trained, it will behave most of the time, but if your horse is acting up, all you do it hold on tight with your legs and tell it to whoa. He will stop for you.

If you want a healthy horse, it is important to feed it properly. Oats are an important food, but you must give them the right ones. It all depends on what kind of horse it is and what size. For the hay, most horses only eat 2 flakes of hay for their dinner, lunch, and breakfast, and for snack, too. A flake is a portion of the bale.

One more thing, when you are taking your horse outside, you must remember to check the weather and the condition of the area where you will be walking. If it is icy outside or if it is rainy outside, you should not have your horse outside. It is better for it to remain in its stall.

Riding a horse is fun, but having a horse for a friend is even better. If you take care of your horse, it will become your special friend and companion.

Author: Amber S.
Photographer: Amber S. and her mom
Editor: Mrs. M.